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Order The Box of Daughter
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The Box of Daughter
The Box of Daughter, hailed as "Compelling...gripping... a triumph of the human spirit" by the Nashua Telegraph, is the story of the author's journey of recovery from emotional abuse and bullying in her family of origin.
The price of The Box of Daughter is $17.95, plus $3 shipping and handling if you're in the U.S., $12 shipping/handling if you're ordering from another country.
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Bullied: Why You Feel Bad Inside and What to Do About It is a guide to emotional recovery from bullying and abuse for teens and adults, written by a survivor of bullying and emotional abuse. Learn how to use simple emotional intelligence skills to let go of your fear, sadness, depression, and anger, whether you've been bullied in school, at home, or in the workplace, and discover how to cope with bullies and create a more fulfilling and authentic life.
The price is $14.95, plus $3 shipping and handling in the U.S., $12 shipping/handling if you're ordering from another country.
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Stand Your Ground
Stand Your Ground: How to Cope with a Dysfunctional Family and Recover from Trauma reveals how deeply dysfunctional family dynamics can affect you, offers advice on the best ways to deal with difficult relatives, family bullying, and workplace bullying, and provides a simple four-step plan for recovering from the trauma of growing up in a dysfunctional family and rebuilding your self-esteem.
The price is $15.95, plus $3 shipping and handling if you're in the U.S., $12 shipping/handling if you're ordering from another country.
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